Friday, July 24, 2009
What exactly are these little blackheads?
A blackhead is a skin blemish, a type of acne, where a pore becomes clogged with a dark, hard, cheesy keratin-filled matter forming a hard black "head" on the skin's surface. Why blackheads?
A blackhead will form when the pores that are close to the skin surface clog up with bacteria, dirt, and dead skin cells. If the pore is open, and the dirt and oil is exposed to the air, it then reacts to the oxygen turning the inflammation into a dark-colored blackhead. It is the dirt, bacteria and skin cells that keep the oil from flowing to the surface of the skin causing this condition. If you have oily skin chances are you have been blesses with this nuisance.
Banish and Prevent Blackheads!
First and foremost it is extremely important to take good care of your skin. It is a known fact that the best way to prevent blackheads is to fight them before they begin, but if this is not possible, there are methods to removing blackheads fast.
Removal and prevention is very possible through a number of ways:
Blackhead strips: This is an easy to use, quick and temporary method of removing blackheads. Simply follow the instruction on the package and say goodbye.
Metallic Extractor: You can also use the help of a metallic extractor that has a small and round opening at the end. You can individually plug out each blackhead by using it. But, you must be very gentle to avoid scarring.
Using products for exfoliating: You can use some low potency benzoyl peroxide exfoliating product for removing dead skin cells. It is very effective on the blackheads and is mild to your skin as well. In this way you can remove even the most stubborn blackheads. Also, microdermabrasion can be used to remove those nasty black dots..
Topical retinoids: Topical retinoids such as Retin-A help in fighting against the blackheads, successfully. It helps remove and prevents the formation of new ones. It reduces oil secretion and unclogs the pores by promoting normal functioning of the cells.
And if your really want to pamper yourself, get a facial!. Have someone else remove those ugly little things.
Hopefully these tips or remedies can help you with those pesty blackheads.
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